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Network Discovery
Updated over a month ago

Network discovery lets you scan a client's network on demand, and discover all the connected endpoints and network assets. With a single click, you can onboard the assets into SuperOps and start monitoring them.


1. Ensure that the SuperOps agent is on the latest version.

2. Valid user credentials for WMI/SSH

3. To enable WMI on a client device, execute the command below:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes

4. Set the network type/domain to private, then execute

winrm quickconfig

5. Please ensure that winRM service is running on the probe as well as the client device. You can check the status of the service with the below command:

Get-Service -Name WinRM

6. If the WinRM service isn't running, execute the below command (on both the probe and the client device) to start the service:

Start-Service -Name WinRM

7. If you would like to run a test network scan, please ensure you have at least one other device connected to the subnet besides the probe. A network scan will not pick up the probe machine as a device on the network.

Add WMI/SSH Credentials

A valid WMI or SSH credential is required for SuperOps to discover endpoints on a network and fetch asset information. Here's how you can enter your credential information into SuperOps:

1. Go to Settings > Credential Definition. Give your credential a name and select the client and site.

2. Select the protocol (WMI or SSH) and enter your credential information.

3. On entering WMI credentials, please ensure you enter DomainName\Username correctly. To find the DomainName\Username of a client device, execute the command below (on the client device):


Add a probe

Next, add a probe or convert an existing asset (that already has the SuperOps agent installed on it) into a probe. Check out this article for step-by-step instructions to add a probe.

If your probe is unable to reach a subnet, you can add this subnet manually by following the instructions here.

Scan for devices

Once your probe is created, initiate a scan. Check out this article for step-by-step instructions.

Start monitoring your discovered assets

In the Discovered Assets tab, you will see the list of assets that the probe was able to discover in your client's network. You will see that the discovered assets are split into three tabs:

Endpoints: Workstations and servers

Network Assets: Network infrastructure devices such as printers, routers, etc.

Others: Devices that were discoverable only via ICMP


You can start monitoring workstations and servers discovered by the probe using the Install option. You can select your assets in bulk and install the agent with a single click.

Network Devices

You can start monitoring network assets using the Add option.

Note: An active network monitoring add-on pack is required to monitor network devices.

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