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Updated over 3 months ago

Managing assets is not easy when you are running an MSP. You need to keep track of hundreds of assets, the software installed on them, whether they are upgraded and running smoothly, and many other critical details.

SuperOps has made it easier for you to track these details and share them with your collaborators. With our PDF reports, you can generate downloadable PDF reports and share them with your team.

We are introducing PDF reports to help you track the status of your endpoints.

  1. Patch Summary Report

  2. Patch Details Report

  3. Software Inventory Report

  4. Asset Activity Report

  5. Asset Health Summary Report

  6. Executive Summary Report

  7. Remote Session Summary Report

📝 Note:

Technicians can create PDF reports only for clients they have access to.

How to generate a PDF report

  • To generate a PDF report, go to Modules < Reports. On the left pane, you will find a section called PDF Reports, under which you can select one of the three reports to download.

  • Click on the Create button in the top right corner, and select the client and the site for which you want to generate the chosen report.

  • If you select a particular site along with the client, the report will include details related to that site.

  • When you click the Generate button, you will receive a link to download the report in your email within a few minutes.

Download History

You can access previously downloaded reports at any time. Navigate to Modules > Reports and select one of the PDF report options.

Here, you’ll see a list of PDF reports that have been created by your teammates for specific sites and clients. You can download these PDFs right from this list.

You also have the option to remove these downloaded reports from your history.

Customizing PDF reports:

  1. You can personalize PDF reports to your preferences by clicking on the Customize button, as shown below.

2. Here, you can choose whether you want to show or hide's watermark and the client logo.

3. These customizations will be applied across all your future PDF reports.

What do these reports have?

Patch Summary Report

The patch summary report will help you:

  • Keep track of all your unpatched endpoints

  • Get the status of vulnerable endpoints that did not complete the patch deployment

  • Identify assets that will require a reboot and more.'s patch management report will include the following:

Patch Management Summary: Get a quick view of all the vital counts regarding the patching status.

Total assets: This will include the number of all the assets from the client you have selected.

  • Fully patched: Number of devices that are fully patched.

  • Install pending: Number of devices with pending patches approved for the next patch window.

  • Reboot pending: Number of devices that have their reboot pending.

  • No policy: Number of devices with no patch management policy applied to them.

  • No data: Number of devices with policies applied but insufficient patch data.

You can then find site-wise information related to your client’s endpoints.

Site Name: This is the site name of the client that you have selected.

  • Platform: This shows whether the platform is a server or a workstation.

  • Total assets: Count of all the assets in this client’s IT environment.

    • Asset Name: This is the designated name of the asset.

    • Patch status: This column will show you whether the patch has been successfully installed or not. For instances where they have not been installed yet, the status will show whether the installation is pending to be carried out in the next patching cycle, or if it will require a reboot for installation. Assets that do not belong to a policy group are also indicated here. You can also see if any asset has encountered errors during the patch installation.

Here is a sample Patch summary report.

Patch Details report

The patch details report will have a drilled-down version of the patch management summary report.

From the Patch Details Report, you can view the following details.

  1. Device name: This is the designated name of the asset

  2. IP: Shows you the IP address of the asset

  3. OS: Tells you what the OS is in this particular asset

  4. Patch status: This is the overall patch status of the asset

    • Patch name: This column shows the name of the patch along with the patch code.

    • Priority: Priority of the patching can be - important, optional, critical or others.

    • Status: This column shows the status of the individual patches. Below you will see the possible status for these patches.

      • Approved: The patch has been approved for the next patch installation.

      • Not approved: The patch has not been approved for installation.

      • Installed: The patch has been successfully installed.

Here is a sample patch details report.

Software inventory report

This report will display important details about the software installed on your client endpoints, for example, the version and the type of software they have. This information will help you decide when to update your devices and avoid potential security risks. The report from will include the following details.

  • Software summary: This will show you a list of all the software applications for a client and their collective count of all the assets.

    You can also find site-wise information related to your client’s endpoints.

    • Site Name: This is the site name of the client that you have selected.

      • Device name: This is the designated name of the asset

      • IP: Specifies the IP address of the asset

      • OS: Specifies the OS in this particular asset

      • Total software: This is the total number of software installed in this asset

        • Software name: Name of the software installed

        • Version number: Specifies the software’s version number so you can spot if the software is outdated

    Here is a sample software report.

Asset Activity Report

This report gives you a chronological timeline of all the activities that have taken place in the assets you manage. This report makes it easier to maintain and track what happens with your assets and plan your asset maintenance activities accordingly.

For the selected client and site, you’ll be able to see the following activities tracked in the report:

  1. When an alert was created (along with the context of the issue) and when it was resolved

  2. When a patch scan was initiated, when a patch was installed through a schedule (or) installed ad-hoc

  3. When a script was triggered to run and when it was executed

  4. Changes in asset information and registered information status

  5. Third-party software installation status (success/failure) and their update status

  6. When an integration was initiated, and their status (success/failure)

  7. All file explorer activities that were performed, like uploading, downloading, deleting, copy-pasting, moving files and folders, renaming and creating new folders

  8. All registry editor activities that were performed, such as adding, renaming, modifying, and deleting a key or a value.

Here’s an example of what an asset activity report looks like:

Asset Health Summary Report:

The Asset Health Summary PDF report helps you assess the overall health of your assets.

This report delivers essential metrics, such as:

1. Overall Health Score: This score represents the ratio of assets that have successfully met all health metrics to the total number of assets, providing a comprehensive evaluation of asset health.

2. Platform-wise and OS-wise Scores: This section shows the percentage of assets that have successfully passed the health check within each platform or operating system.

3. Summary Specification: This part provides a detailed breakdown of how many assets have passed the health check for various metrics.

To customize the metrics to be included in the report, click the "modify" button as shown below:

On this page, you can select the metrics you wish to include in the PDF report and customize the specifics for certain metrics.

  • Disk Space: Devices must have a minimum amount of free space, ensuring they can operate efficiently. The device will be marked as unhealthy if this condition is not met.

  • RAM Space: Devices should have a minimum amount of memory installed to handle tasks effectively. The device will be marked as unhealthy if this condition is not met.

📝Note: You can configure the minimum required free disk and RAM space on the device when generating the report.

  • Fully Patched: This shows the percentage of your devices that are up to date with the latest software updates and security patches.

  • Software Compliant: This metric shows the percentage of your devices with up-to-date software to maintain functionality and security.`

  • Under Warranty: This metric shows the percentage of your devices that are still under warranty, allowing you to take advantage of service and support options.

  • Online for 30 Days: This metric shows the percentage of your devices that have been online in the last 30 days.

  • No Open Alerts: This metric shows the percentage of your devices without any open alerts.

4. Site-wise summary: The report also offers site-wise information related to your client’s endpoints that have passed each metric. In a convenient table format, you can view the assets that meet the health criteria with a green tick, while those that have failed are marked with a red dot.

Executive Summary Report

Get a quick grasp of key metrics in our Executive Summary PDF report, covering asset health, patches, and antivirus status.

The report from will include the following details:

  1. Report Overview: This section shows the overall asset score, along with a detailed breakdown of other asset specifications as shown below.
    The overall asset score is calculated as the average percentage derived from the combined asset specifications, including asset health, patch status, antivirus status, and software status.

2. Asset Health summary: This section shows the overall health check results of your assets, including asset specifics such as,

  • RAM space

  • Disk space

  • Warranty

  • Online assets

  • Open alerts

3. Patch Summary: This section shows the count of assets in each patch status. Below are the patch statuses in

  • Fully patched: Number of devices that are fully patched

  • Install pending: Number of devices with pending patches approved for the next patch window.

  • Reboot pending: Number of devices that have their reboot pending

  • No policy: Number of devices with no patch management policy applied to them

  • No data: Number of devices with policies applied but insufficient patch data

4. Antivirus status: Displays the status of the antivirus installed on the assets. Below are the AV statuses available:

  • Up-to-date: Number of assets with at least one up-to-date antivirus.

  • Not up-to-date: Number of assets where none of the installed antivirus programs are up-to-date.

  • Disabled: Number of assets with no active antivirus.

5. Software status: This section displays the status of the software installed on the assets. Below are the software statuses available:

  • Up-to-date: Number of assets where all installed software is updated.

  • Not up-to-date: Number of assets where at least one installed software is not updated.

6. Alert status: Displays the alerts created for workstations and servers, classified by status and severity.

You can also schedule and share these PDF reports. To learn more about this, read here.

7. Remote Session Summary Report: Get an overview of remote sessions, asset name, start and end times, and technician names for effective tracking and management.

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