If the client asks for an invoice or you need to make hardware purchases and you require upfront payments, you can quickly create an ad-hoc invoice to send to your client. You can add items from your service catalog or quickly push items waiting in the billing queue onto an invoice.
Here’s how:
1. Click the + invoice button on the right to create a new invoice.
2. Next, select the client and site for which you’d like to create the invoice, and click the service catalog to add items to the invoice. Here, you’ll find the items waiting in the billing queue and items across different categories in the service catalog.
3. Once you’ve added all the service items, you can edit the costs, add discounts, add notes, and apply tax to finalize the invoice.
4. Once the invoice is ready, you can select save and send to open a chat window where they can negotiate with their clients or save it as a draft for later.
Once an invoice is generated, they can see a list of all the invoices generated under the all invoices section. You can perform a bunch of actions to control how these invoices reach your clients—right from deciding when an invoice gets sent, to helping clients pay the invoice.
5. You can now swiftly create invoices straight from tickets or projects, skipping the audit queue.
Customizing invoice creation date:
You can also select a custom invoice creation date when creating invoices in bulk. To do that,
Navigate to Modules > Clients > Billing Queue
Bulk-select the billing items and click Generate Invoice.
3. You can see a pop-up showing the invoice creation date and due date. You can customize them as you like, and the invoice will be created.
Mark invoices as paid in bulk:
Enhance the efficiency of your billing process by bulk-marking multiple outstanding invoices as paid.
Here's how to do it:
Navigate to Modules > Invoices.
Select the invoices you want to mark as paid in bulk.
Click the "Mark as Paid" button, as shown below.
4. Choose the payment date and method, and specify a reference number in the given field.
📝 Note: Once invoices are marked as paid, further edits will not be possible.
5. Hit “Confirm” to save your changes.
6. The selected invoices will now be marked as paid.
MSPs can choose when an invoice gets generated.
You can create a global invoice schedule to automatically send invoices to all your clients on a particular date and time. Here’s how:
Go to Settings > Invoice Settings. Configure the invoice schedule by filling in the cadence for an invoice to be generated, the start date for the schedule, and when the invoice needs to be paid.
You can also manage the different templates you use during invoicing. Check out the screen below to see which templates you can customize.
Click Save once you’re done to confirm the changes you’ve made.
Of course, you’ll have clients who operate with unique billing cycles of their own. You can adapt to their billing needs with a client-specific invoice schedule. Here’s how:
Navigate to Modules > Clients and select the client you’re setting things up for.
Under the invoices tab, select invoice settings on the left panel.
In the invoice settings section, you can define the invoice schedule, and specify exactly which day of the month the invoice gets generated, when the cycle starts, and the due date for each invoice.
You can also enable site-specific invoices, to ensure that certain service items are available only for specific sites for the client.
Additionally, you can also choose to include or exempt taxes while generating these invoices under tax configuration.
By default, the global invoice schedule will be displayed here. Once you’ve set a client-specific invoice schedule and hit save, it will override the global invoice schedule and you’ll see an ‘Active’ badge added to the schedule to let you know which schedule will be followed.
MSPs can edit invoices before they’re sent to the client:
It sucks when your client comes back to you regarding a typo on the invoice they just received. In SuperOps, all invoices are created in the draft stage by default (unless auto-push to QuickBooks/Xero is enabled.) When it’s in the draft stage, the invoice edit option helps you clean out any of those pesky typos before they’re sent.
Navigate to Modules > Invoices, and select the invoice you want to edit.
Once you’ve opened up the invoice, you can see the invoice details, and a set of actions you can perform at the top of the invoice.
Click the edit invoice button to make changes to the invoice item, quantity cost, discounts, and tax, along with any additional details you’d like to add. Modified invoice items will be highlighted in yellow to let you know that things have changed. You can add a new service item to the invoice too!
Once you’re done making the changes, click the regenerate invoice button to generate the updated invoice.
You can then click send invoice to send the revised invoice to the client for review, and align with them on the costs.
Once the negotiations are done and the final invoice is ready, you can push the invoice to either QuickBooks/Xero. Any changes made to the invoice in QuickBooks/Xero will be reflected here in SuperOps as well.
You can also choose to delete or void an invoice if it’s no longer necessary. Deleting an invoice removes it from SuperOps, so you can void it if you don’t want to send it to the client but still like to keep a record of it.
📝 Note: If an invoice is deleted, then all the line items in the deleted invoice will be moved back to the approved items queue. The same applies to individual deleted line items as well.
Once the invoice is finalized, you can either send the invoice to your clients directly, or you can choose to push it to third-party bookkeeping tools you use, like QuickBooks or Xero.
How integrations make your invoicing better:
There are a variety of integrations available in SuperOps, across bookkeeping, subscription management, and payments that can greatly enhance your invoice process.
If you already have your complete invoicing pipeline set up in bookkeeping software like QuickBooks or Xero, you can push invoices from SuperOps to these tools and manage them all in one place. Here are links to learn more about integrating with QuickBooks and Xero.
By integrating with Stripe, you can help clients pay their invoices right from within their SuperOps client portal. They can see their invoice history, add their payment methods, set up recurring payments, and more. Click here to learn more about integrating with Stripe.