When you’re managing a lot of identical assets for a client, it makes more sense to club them together as a group and manage them together using policy sets, rather than applying policies to assets individually.
In SuperOps, you can create asset groups to group similar assets together and manage them together with group-based policy sets.
What is a group-based policy?
A group-based policy is a policy set that applies to a group of assets, rather than individual devices in a client network. Group-based policy management is used to help MSPs manage complex asset environments and provides more options for admins to manage assets at scale.
How to enable group-based policies
1. Click the settings icon on the pane to the left. Under the asset management section, select policy management.
2. Inside the policy management page, you’ll find your hierarchical policies, and any polices you’ve created here, along with the group-based policies section below. Click the switch to group-based policy to make the switch.
3. Keep in mind that once you switch to group-based asset policies, you won’t be able to switch back to hierarchical asset policies again. But no worries, your existing hierarchical policies will automatically be migrated to their corresponding group-based policies. Click confirm to move to the group-based policies.
4. Now, you can start creating asset groups and associate policies for the same.
How to create asset groups
1. Click the Modules icon on the pane to the left. Click the assets module under the asset management section.
2. On the left panel, you’ll see a section dedicated to asset groups. Click the + icon to create a new asset group.
3. Choose if the asset group will consist of Windows or Mac assets and add filter conditions to decide which assets will be a part of the asset group.
4. You can also associate existing policy sets to the new asset group you’re creating. Click save to successfully create the asset group
Creating a new group-based policy
1. Navigate to Settings > Asset management > Policy management. Here, you’ll see a list of existing policies, and the asset groups they apply to. Click the + Policy Set button on the top right to create a new Windows or Mac policy set.
2. While creating a new policy set, you can define policies for different functions across asset management. Here, you can define conditions that will trigger an action, when met, and what action needs to be performed. Here are the different policies you can create:
Alert Management
Schedule actions
Data backup
3. You can create or associate an asset group here as well. You can associate more than one asset group per policy.
4. If you’ve integrated with tools such as Webroot or Bitdefender, you can enable antivirus policies to automatically install the antivirus solution on all the applied assets through the SuperOps agent. The same applies to Acronis for data backups too.
5. Once you’re done defining the policies, exit to finalize the newly created group-based policy set.
Cloning policies for asset groups:
Creating new policies from scratch for each asset group can be a time-consuming task. Replicate existing policy sets and customize them with a single click to save a lot of manual effort.
You can clone policy sets either from the asset group policy page or directly within the policy page.
Here's how to do it:
1. Go to Settings > Policy Management.
2. Click on the "Clone" icon under the Asset Groups section to duplicate the policy set.
3. The cloned policy set will be displayed as shown below.
4. Click the cloned policy to begin customizing it.
📝Note: The cloned policy set will not be automatically associated with any asset group. You will have to manually add asset groups to these cloned policy sets.