Here’s how a project page looks like inside SuperOps after creation:
Every crucial piece of information about your project is organized and classified. This way everyone involved in the project has a context and visibility into what's happening.
This article covers three aspects of Project Management in SuperOps:
Collaboration in projects
Using Kanban view
Completing a project
Collaboration in projects
SuperOps places a heavy focus on team collaboration with a dedicated space for your team members to have project discussions, share collaterals and updates.
It is broadly classified under three sections:
Updates: Get a timeline view of all the updates that take place within a project. This tab records such updates as your internal team communication, task updates, and client email conversations. You can quickly scroll through the tab and get up to speed on the progress of the project so far.
Conversations: This section displays a consolidated view of every conversation you have had with your client in relation to the project, just like how you can view ticket-related client conversations on your ticket page.
Using Kanban view
By switching to the Kanban view, your project workflow becomes fully transparent and visual. You can pinpoint bottlenecks, gain visibility into the workload on each technician, or track milestones.
With the Kanban view, you can choose to group project data in the following ways:
Group by technician: Get a quick understanding of the number of tasks assigned to specific technicians, so you can distribute the workload evenly among fellow technicians and complete work faster.
2. Group by task status: Know what’s happening with each of your project tasks in terms of their progress status such as Open, In progress, On hold, and Completed.
3. Group by milestones: This gives you a broader view of what’s happening across each milestone that was set, so it’s easier to measure the progress of your project.
SuperOps lets you easily move across the three functions (Milestones, Technicians, and Tasks) with the drag and drop mechanism, without having to switch windows.
Project completion
Once a project reaches completion, you can move it to the 'Completed folder', so it does not show up alongside your other client projects leading to cluttered project space.
To change the status of a project:
On your project page, click the status drop-down menu on the top right corner and select your preferred status.