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How to integrate Hudu with
How to integrate Hudu with

Learn how to connect Hudu with and manage all your documentation from right within

Updated over a year ago

As an MSP, you will need to share SOPs, guidelines, and policies with your clients and team. On any given workday, you will have to store and retrieve multiple documents, passwords, and process maps. Having them spread across various documents and spreadsheets makes them tricky to manage, especially when looking for and sharing them with collaborators.

Integrating with an IT documentation tool like Hudu will allow you to stay organized while building and sharing global and company-specific knowledge.

In this article, you will learn,

How to configure Hudu with

  1. To integrate your Hudu account with, go to Settings > Marketplace > Hudu.

  2. You will need your Hudu account URL and a newly created API key to integrate your Hudu account with

👉🏻 Sidebar: Obtaining API key and account URL from Hudu

a. Follow these steps to generate your new API key from Hudu:

  • Login to your Hudu account.

  • Go to Admin > Account Administration, and click the API icon.

  • Enter a name for your API key under the Create a new API dialog box.

  • Leave the company restriction and IP address fields blank.

  • Check the “Can perform destructive actions?” and "Allow export permissions" checkboxes.

  • Click the Create New key.

  • Your API key will be generated. Copy it to use in

b. You can get your account URL here.

3. Enter your newly generated API key and your account URL here, and click Connect.

4. Once the connection is successful, your Hudu toggle button should be automatically enabled.

How to import and set up from Hudu

Importing from Hudu is a three-step process that happens across three levels:

Note: Companies in Hudu are referred to as clients in

  1. Client

    1. When importing from Hudu, you can select the company in Hudu by clicking on the drop-down list and mapping it against the client name in

    2. If the company is not already available in Hudu but exists as a client in, you can create a new company in Hudu under their name from Just click on the "create" button next to the name.

    3. Click the Ignore button on the right if you don’t want to map the client to Hudu.

Note: Clients must be mapped and imported before mapping sites, requesters and platforms.

2. Site

a. Select the asset layout in Hudu that corresponds to the site in from the drop-down menu.

b. Select a key field. This is a mandatory step where you select a field as a unique identifier that will help us avoid duplication while syncing.

c. You can continue to map the fields in to their counterparts in Hudu for the selected asset layout.

d. Click on Save to start the sync at the site level and move on to requester-level field mapping. Only the mapped fields will be synced to Hudu, and not all the fields in

3. Requester

a. Select the asset layout in Hudu that corresponds to the requester in from the drop-down menu.

b. Select a key field. This is a mandatory step where you select a field as a unique identifier that will help us avoid duplication when importing.

c. You can continue to map the fields in to their counterparts in Hudu for the selected asset layout.

d. Click on Save to start the sync at the requester level and move on to asset-class level field mapping. Only the mapped fields will be synced to Hudu, not all the fields in

4. Asset class

a. Select the asset layout in Hudu that corresponds to the asset class in from the drop-down menu.

b. Select a key field. This is a mandatory step where you select a field as a unique identifier that will help us avoid duplication when importing.

c. You can continue to map the fields in to their counterparts in Hudu for the selected asset layout.

d. Click on save to start the sync and complete your mapping process.

Note: In case the asset layouts are not already available in Hudu, they have to be created for sites, requesters, and asset classes before starting the import process. Make sure the asset layout is Active. Otherwise, the asset layout will not be displayed while mapping them.

How data syncing happens from

  • Any records, such as sites, requesters, and devices, created under a mapped client will be automatically synced to Hudu.

  • If you edit an already mapped site, requester or device layout, all the information from the current layout will be moved to the newly mapped asset layout.

    • For example, if you have initially mapped your fields under an asset layout called “sites” but later on change it to an asset layout called “departments”. All your information stored under the “sites” will be moved to the “departments” layout. The only caveat here is both the sites and the departments' layout have the same fields and nothing is changed within their field mappings.

If you edit or change your existing field mappings, your changes will not be reflected in the existing layout. Only when a new document is created with that layout, will your changed field mappings be reflected.

  • For example, if you change the field mappings under the “sites” asset layout, your changes will only be reflected whenever you create a document with the “sites” layout. The already existing documents will be left unchanged.

  • You can view the last sync details on the Requester, Asset, and Site sections. If there are any synchronization failures, you can re-sync the data by clicking on the "Sync again" button as shown below.

  • You can also examine the error messages presented in this section to understand why the synchronisation failed.

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