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How to migrate from other tools into

Learn how we’ve made migrating between tools easier, and what you’ll need to do to bring all your data into

Manish Balaji avatar
Written by Manish Balaji
Updated over a week ago

Moving tools is a chore in itself, especially with the amount of data and assets you’ll need to migrate between your PSA and your RMM. It’s a pain point that often makes MSPs stick with their existing tools, even if they’re unhappy with them.

That’s why we wrote this guide to show you how you can migrate your data into with minimal effort.

For your PSA:

  1. The service catalog: ̆By integrating with tools like QuickBooks, Xero, and Pax8, you can import existing items in your service catalog and the list of your clients in a few minutes.

  2. Clients: On top of the integrations mentioned above, you can also import your existing clients with a CSV import. It’s a DIY process that requires no guidance, and you will be guided each step of the way on what to do to bring in your clients successfully. (Of course, we’ll be around to help you right away if you need it.)

  3. Requesters: You can use the same DIY CSV import that’s available for importing clients. If you use Azure AD, you can integrate Azure with and import their information. (On top of importing requesters, this integration can help with importing technicians and SSO for technicians too.)

  4. A complete migration: If you prefer a complete migration and want to move your data in one fell swoop, we’ve got you covered. We’ve partnered with Help Desk Migration to help you migrate data about clients, requesters, technicians, and all your tickets (with attachments) together.

You can initiate the migration process here:

📝 Note:

This is a paid migration and the cost will be based on the number of records being imported. As a part of the partnership, all customers will get an exclusive 20% discount while making use of the migration service. If you have any questions on this, send us a message and we’d be more than happy to help you out.

For your RMM:

You can use the following script to mass-deploy the agent on all your managed assets:

For Windows

1) On Command Prompt (as administrator)

The syntax would look like this:

set msi_installerURL=<URL of the MSI from the site Site> & cmd /v /c for %f in (!msi_installerURL!) do set msi_installer=%~nxf ^& cmd /v /c curl -o !msi_installer! !msi_installerURL! ^& cmd /v /c msiexec /i !msi_installer! /qn LicenseAccepted=YES

For example, if the agent download URL is:

Then the script to install is:

set msi_installerURL= & cmd /v /c for %f in (!msi_installerURL!) do set msi_installer=%~nxf ^& cmd /v /c curl -o !msi_installer! !msi_installerURL! ^& cmd /v /c msiexec /i !msi_installer! /qn LicenseAccepted=YES

2) On PowerShell

The syntax would look like this:

Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param ($url) $fileName=Split-Path -Path "$url" -Leaf; invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Outfile "$fileName"; Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i,$fileName,/qn,LicenseAccepted=YES; } -ArgumentList "<MSI Download URL from site>"

For example, if the agent download URL is:

Then the script to install is:

Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param ($url) $fileName=Split-Path -Path "$url" -Leaf; invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Outfile "$fileName"; Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i,$fileName,/qn,LicenseAccepted=YES; } -ArgumentList "<>"

For Mac

The syntax would look like this:

export URL="<PKG Download URL for Site>" && curl $URL -O && export baseName="$(basename $URL)" && installer -pkg $baseName -target / For example, if the agent download URL is: <>

Then the script to install is:

export URL="<>" && curl $URL -O && export baseName="$(basename $URL)" && installer -pkg $baseName -target /

The script should run as a root user.

📝 Note: The MSI/PKG URL varies based on the client and the site to which the asset should belong. Make sure to copy the right one from the assets page.

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