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Install the SuperOps agent silently using Scripts
Install the SuperOps agent silently using Scripts

Install agent silently using Scripts

Kanchana Venkataramanan avatar
Written by Kanchana Venkataramanan
Updated over a week ago

If you are looking to mass deploy the SuperOps agent on all your managed assets, you may use the following script to do so.

For Windows:

1) On Command Prompt (as administrator)

The syntax would look like this:

set msi_installerURL=<URL of the MSI from the site Site> & cmd /v /c for %f in (!msi_installerURL!) do set msi_installer=%~nxf ^& cmd /v /c curl -o !msi_installer! !msi_installerURL! ^& cmd /v /c msiexec /i !msi_installer! /qn LicenseAccepted=YES

For example, if the agent download URL is:

Then the script to install is:

set msi_installerURL= & cmd /v /c for %f in (!msi_installerURL!) do set msi_installer=%~nxf ^& cmd /v /c curl -o !msi_installer! !msi_installerURL! ^& cmd /v /c msiexec /i !msi_installer! /qn LicenseAccepted=YES

2) On PowerShell:

The syntax would look like this:

Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param ($url) $fileName=Split-Path -Path "$url" -Leaf; invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Outfile "$fileName"; Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i,$fileName,/qn,LicenseAccepted=YES; } -ArgumentList "<MSI Download URL from site>"

For example, if the agent download URL is:

Then the script to install is:

Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param ($url) $fileName=Split-Path -Path "$url" -Leaf; invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Outfile "$fileName"; Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i,$fileName,/qn,LicenseAccepted=YES; } -ArgumentList ""

For Mac:

The syntax would look like this:

export URL="<PKG Download URL for Site>" && curl $URL -O && export baseName="$(basename $URL)" && installer -pkg $baseName -target /

For example, if the agent download URL is:

Then the script to install is:

export URL="" && curl $URL -O && export baseName="$(basename $URL)" && installer -pkg $baseName -target /

The script should run as root user.


The MSI/PKG URL would vary based on the client and the site the asset should belong. Ensure to copy the right one from the assets page.

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